Hello friends from
Kelly's Korner! So these are seriously some of the
worst photos I have
ever taken. I know I took them with my iPhone, but usually I can get by. So...MY APOLOGIES! Someday, my prince will come. (By "prince," I mean "super nice camera." I already got a kingly husband. He's helping me save up for the "prince." ;)
At The Owlery, you enter on the top floor, where the living room, kitchen/dining area, laundry area, and half bath are. Then you descend the stairs to the bedrooms...
Zach got the screen on a website; it cost $30-ish!!! I love that vase from Target, but it doesn't match anything on the landing now. I am hoping one day to have a little girl and use it in her room. :) In the frames are a sketch we picked up at a friend of friend's art show, a Pollock print, and some willow postcards from Cambridge University.
Our cats are hoodlums. It is also laundry day for unmentionables (i.e. mine and the husband's underoos) and t-shirts. On the left is a photo I took inside Drumcliffe church in Ireland; it's where the poet Yeats is buried. It's an eagle lectern with the words, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty" behind it. :)
Zach's minifig(ure) collection "tastefully" displayed (his words)
prints that used to match our old decor
I'm going to get some green mats to update the oval frames.
Also, a LEGO ship atop my LEGO Harry Potter shelf; Harry Potter LEGO sets are about the only ones I will build. My husband is still pleased.
Our bedroom needs work. I can't figure out what to put over our bed. And, yes, that is a full-sized bed. We NEED a queen-sized one. Please inform my husband. :) This room is very oddly shaped, and this is the only arrangement that will work.
alternative view
The door leads out onto a small deck. We bought the paper lanterns at World Market in KC. It's a funny story about our dresser and chest of drawers. They used to be Zach's Momo's. She gave me the dresser when she found out I didn't have one. Zach's parents moved it up, and when they got it into my bedroom, IT MATCHED MY BED! Yeah, so most people wouldn't be surprised by matching bedroom furniture, BUT MY MAMA GOT MY HEADBOARD AT A YARD SALE. It is fate that I was to be a Pharr. After we got married and moved up her, she gave us the chest of drawers to match.
bridal portrait, engagement photo with Alice in Wonderland quote that my cousin made, my bouquet and the pen we used for our guest book, wedding photo, Zach's valet, stuff I need for sleep, and a sock monkey
Did you spot my sweet tea?!
hats, magazines, books, LEGO sets, stereo, boxed music sets (on the shelf), chair from our dining room
vanity, storage cabinets, closet entry
The door to Zach's bathroom is on the left (not pictured).
photo following high tea the day after we got engaged in KC, photos from where Zach proposed, Alice in Wonderland quote
You can read our proposal story
here; it won a prize from where we got engaged. :)
messy vanity=typical girl
That tiny old photo on the right is of my great aunt Grace when she was younger. She helped raise me when I was little. I want to frame it along with older photos of my mom and grandmas and Zach's mom and grandmas all glammed up to hang here!
our closet
There are two more rods behind the door for hanging clothes as well as shelves. It is the biggest closet I have ever had! I rotate out the pictures in the frames on my mirror; I got that at Walmart when I was in college.
We have two other "bedrooms" at The Owlery.
One is a library. This where our books live along with some other fun things.
Hobie cat and a medieval village
That golden chair is so 1970s, but it's COMFY. The print of Van Gogh's Starry Night above it glows in the dark. We have lots of books; I was an English major, and Zach was a history major who minored in English. His LEGO creations have also invaded this space. (Fact: There is only one room in our house that does not have any LEGO creations on display. I still haven't covered three more rooms in these SUYL posts. :)
These are mostly textbooks and binders here along with my American Girl doll collection. (Can you see Samantha's ruffled hair on top of the shelf?) I think if we have a little girl, I could easily put these dolls in her room. :) There is a LEGO mini-skyscraper, a Waterhouse print, and a teddy bear Zach got me for my birthday "magic box" (I got a present a day for a week--it's on top of the shelf by Samantha). I took the bear with me to the British Isles and slept with it every night, which meant it got lost in the covers a lot because it is a small bear. :)
closer look at the LEGO medieval village
The last room was Zach's dream room when he was growing up; I made his dreams come true. :)
Zach's LEGO room
He has tons of organized LEGO bricks not to mention the sets stored in the closet to the left (not pictured).

Zach's LEGO village, Old Styrene-by-the-Sea (Styrene is a type of plastic; LEGO bricks are made of plastic. Now you know. ;) One of my favorite of his MOC's (that would be, my-own-creation) is a pub called the Lion. He even decorated the inside with tables and mugs!
(Y'all, have learned A LOT about LEGO since I first met my husband. For one, "LEGO" comes from the Danish phrase for "play well." Secondly, the correct plural form is not Legos or LEGOS; "LEGO" can only be used as an adjective, but "LEGO" is often accepted as a plural form, and I tend to use it. Thirdly, the price you pay should equal the number of pieces you get (30 pieces = $3; 300 pieces = $30), but character sets like Star Wars and DUPLO sets are more (as are discontinued ones), and Toys-R-Us are always overpriced. They also cost more around the world; we are lucky in the U.S. Finally, the Germans [ever so German-y] have a word for the sound that LEGO bricks make when they hit each other: GRUSCHTELING. I still make lots of mistakes when it comes to playing with bricks, but I am learning.) We're saddened not to be at Chicago's Brickworld this week. :(

When we were unemployed and living with Zach's folks, my sweet husby built me this house. It's a Tudor mansion, and that's our limo. We're waving "bye" to you folks from the car. Hope you enjoyed the visit!