Inspired by Rhianne, I decided to share some of my photos from the Lake District, June 2009:

climbing up Helm Crag

gorgeous scenery

on the top of Helm Crag (not the highest point but fairly close!)
This was the first mountain I ever climbed all the way to the top. That blue thing is my poncho rolled up and tied to my jeans' loop. *lol* The weather would change at a drop of a hat!

I think these were roads leading toward Keswick, which is Zach's favorite part of the Lake District. :) I missed him.

It was gorgeous just driving around in our charter bus.

Wordsworth's house Dove Cottage in Grasmere

Wordsworth's House

on the Coffin Walk

I loved how huge the clouds were and how close.

stopping along the Coffin Walk

Rydal Water

at Rydal Water, also where W. Wordsworth lived

See the boat?

exploring the land around Ruskin's residence Brantwood

red fence


Ruskin's grave is the tall one.
Oh my gosh, this place is gorgeous! Are you kidding me?! I want to go!