Remember how I went to Great Britain last summer? And how I never posted about it? Well, I've really been missing those green hills and lovely isle lately, so I decided to post about it every once in a while. :)
We had quite the day of traveling. It went smoothly until we got to Philly, and then the proverbial poo hit the fan with our plane getting delayed ten and fifteen minutes at a time. We finally boarded after no dinner and freezing in the airport--and then I got sick on the plane. This is the second time I've done this traveling overseas, so I have determined my body just can't handle eating so close to when I'm supposed to be sleeping, and yet I'm flying during my sleep time. Make sense? Likely not, but here is a cute photo of us from that first morning before flying out of NWA, May 29!
When we arrived in Manchester, we checked into our room over the Oxnoble pub! It was marvelous! Then we had lunch downstairs and went to get our phones ready to use at the Arndale Shopping Centre. We had tickets to go see Iron and Wine at the Opera House that night, and it was a FABULOUS show. Easily, one of the best concerts I've ever attended, and I loved that everyone sat in their seats and patiently watched. (I hate how everyone stands up but doesn't dance in the States. What's the point of that?)
The next morning, we checked out and headed to the train station for the blessed Lake District!

so fun!!!!!!!