Here are some things I'm loving around our house this week--
all red in honor of Valentine's Day:
the candy dish Zach painted when he worked for housing (and the sweets inside)
It was some lovey-dovey, emotional, let's-hold-hands, bonding kind of thing. But he really does love candy!
our Lego Tudor house Zach built
the red teapot Brian and Whitney gave us as a housewarming gift to add to my growing collection in our china cabinet
this Old Navy sweatshirt I got on clearance and wore all over the British Isles that keeps me warm during these snowy days
freshly painted toenails
(Nonetheless, feet are so awkward. I apologize for my monkey toes.;)
the microwave that is older than Methusaleh and runs wonderfully and was Zach's parents that ended up at his work when they got a new one and was branded with an Entergy logo that glows when you take a picture of it using my Kodak
how we keep Hobie in line when he is being bad (i.e. sitting on our computer keyboards, ripping up carpet, chewing on plants)
the kimono-esque robe Zach got me for Christmas in 2009--I hate furry, fuzzy robes.
(Some days this year, however, I think I could have appreciated a furry, fuzzy robe.)
What would we do without our tea kettle??
I love my pointy kitten heels, even if they are not high quality. The American Eagle line at Payless releases new styles of them every few months, and I always buy them up...before wearing down all the heels. As much as I love the snow, I can't wait to get out of these boots and tennis shoes and into my casual heels!
pretty Valentine's cupcakes (chocolate with Queen Anne cordial cherries) :)
my Old Spice loofah *haha*
(After Christmas, Zach got a lot of Old Spice gift sets on clearance because he uses their deodorant. They came with red loofahs, so I am all set for several months!
(Since we've been stuck at home, we've been consuming everything in the pantry...and we haven't been able to put out the recycling bin in three weeks because of the snow!)
I have pictures from travels hanging in my bathroom. They inspire me every day, and I can't wait to get some more frames to hang even more. More importantly, I can't wait for our next trip...Cleveland!
our Alice's Adventures in Wonderland collection in the library
These red candle holders on our mantel--my cousin Erin gave them to me for Christmas a few years ago, and they go so well with our decor.
Delicious Red wine
(I LOVE this picture!)
the fruit bowl Zach's mom Beverly crafted for us and the citrusy fruits within
(I've been on an orange kick lately. Thank goodness for citruses and bananas this time of year.)

getting dressed up in my red cardigan to go celebrate with my Valentine :)
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
What are you loving this week?
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