I saw this on someone else's blog today and thought it looked like fun. (Sorry for the long answers!)
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Zach and I have been together a little over three years (dating, engagement, and marriage)--married for most of that. When you meet the one, you know!

WE MET AT A BAR!!! I know, I know, those types of situations usually do NOT work out! We met at The Flying Saucer on September 19, 2008. He was there with a friend he had made in grad school who had been in the same program as me as an undergrad, Brian (who had told Zach on the way that he would get along with me). Brian and his girlfriend Whitney, who was also an English major and grad, had no plans to play matchmakers...yet. ;) What is also funny about this situation is that one of my best friends (who was also an English major in undergrad and also in Brian and Zach's program), Katie, had told me she had met my personality soul mate during the first week of grad school after they had completed the Meyers-Briggs personality test. She said that every time my soul mate would raise his hand and say something in class, she couldn't help but think of me! (Zach is an INTJ, and I am an INFJ, which is why we are personality soul mates.) At the Saucer, we were sitting one person apart at the table, and when this guy left, we started talking one-on-one about grad school and the music, movies, and books we liked including Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Whitney said she had never seen me talk for so long to one person, especially a guy. (If you know me, this is sooo true.) We talked the whole night! When I was getting ready to leave, I went around the table to hug everyone. However, when I got to Zach, I didn't know what to do: say goodbye, shake his hand, or awkwardly hug him? I settled on awkwardly hugging him--I didn't want to leave him out!--and we ended up doing this weird, half-side hug. He had whispered to me earlier, and I quote, "It is very sexy the way you carry yourself." So bold, this guy was! I thought this was just something a guy in a bar would say to a girl, but if you know Zach, this is not something he would EVER do. *lol* (Usually, when he says the word "sexy," he half-sings it in this silly voice. But, of course, he wasn't just complimenting the way I looked, but my personality, intelligence, etc. so he said it in a serious tone then.) After I hugged him, he said that he was serious about what he said (See!) and hoped to see me again. So I told him I would look him up on Facebook. Well, the thing is things aren't always spelled the way they are pronounced. I got home and looked up "Zach Farr," who did not exist. I thought Zach was just another jerk in the bar after that! Only when he added me did I realize he is a "Pharr." We had some more funnies that happened leading up to our first date date, too...

3. If married, how long have you been married?
We were married on September 19, 2009, exactly one year after we met! So we have been married over two years.

4. If you are married, where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
We had a small Alice-in-Wonderland-themed wedding at Faulkner County Library (60-ish people). We had a reception at a former magic theater on December 20th for an even smaller group. (We would have had in on December 19th, but Zach was in a wedding that day!)

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Wooky and Pooks--they have evolved from rather common nicknames that we were initially using ironically. I guess the joke is on us! We have more than those, but we use them for a time and then discard them before picking them back up; Zach is constantly singing new nicknames at me like Ladyface. I have also tried on and off since I met Zach to give him the nickname Zaxby (like the chicken restaurant) because he is slightly allergic to chicken. These are probably the most interesting...

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
a) He can always make me laugh.
b) He is thoughtful of everyone in his life, which means everyone in my life, too.
c) He is so hardworking for our family.

7. Tell us how he proposed?
I just wrote out this story for a contest, but I will keep it short and sweet. Zach proposed to me in Kansas City on July 19, 2009. We were supposed to be having a cheap trip since school was out and we weren't working, but after dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, he told me he had a surprise: we were going on a carriage ride! Around The Country Club Plaza! At sunset! Of course, the first thing I ask is how is he affording this. *lol* After the ride was over, I thought we were heading back to our friends', where we were staying, but he said he had another surprise around the corner. He pulled into the parking lot of Southmoreland on the Plaza, a B&B! He told me we were staying there for two nights, and I immediately asked about our luggage. (Our friends were in on the surprise and had brought it for us.) So we went inside and were led to our room. The key was given to me to open the door, and when I did, I was met with champagne and a "Drink Me" sign and chocolate-covered strawberries with an "Eat Me" sign. I thought the B&B had supplied them! After all, they had sherry in the rooms and appetizers every afternoon! Well, it took me a moment to realize there was an "Open Me" sign on a tiny door to the left. When I did open it, I found a shadowbox filled with photos and souvenirs and topped with a "Love Me" sign. I noticed there was another sign behind it--"Marry Me!" (I still thought the food came from the innkeepers at this point and hadn't made the Wonderland connection!) I was waiting for Zach to speak, but finally he blurted out, "Please say YES!" That boy was sweating bullets even though he knew I would say yes! So we hugged and kissed, and he told me there was a surprise under that sign: a diamond solitaire ring that shines like a snowflake! We spent the night sipping champagne on the balcony, planning our wedding and our future (I asked such practical questions as, "Where will we live?" "What will we do?" "How many kids should we have?" "What about our money?" Poor Zach!), and calling family and friends to let them know.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Zach tends to give very personal, thoughtful gifts for Valentine's Day, so I guess I would say he's a rose petal guy.
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
Well, I'm not a beachy gal, but I do like the idea of a sunset dinner! However, we started dating with "movie and waffle" nights at his apartment because we were poor grad students, and he worked for res life as a hall director and was always on duty. So I have some fond movie-and-snuggling memories...

10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day?
Well, we haven't made definite plans. We found out we owe taxes this year, which has forced us to change our budget after struggling to pay off my medical bills and buy a new car because Zach's transmission went out; we were planning to go to Eureka Springs and stay, but it's probably not in the budget now. :( I told Zach, though, I was happy just staying at home since I missed it for a month! And since I didn't get to bake for Christmas, I've had lots of plans for this holiday. I've already made heart-shaped gingerbread cookies with pink cream cheese icing, and I plan to make a strawberry lemonade cake and heart-shaped cinnamon rolls for Valentine's Day. I may make some Neapolitan cupcakes (chocolate and strawberry layers with vanilla icing) for this weekend!

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?
No, we never ask each other for anything. It's always a surprise!

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Respect each other.

(Sorry my face is still puffy--thanks, prednisone!)
Hi Ashley! Funny how you recognized Harper on my blog. Lots of people come over from Kelly's blog to mine and I have the best time "meeting" her readers!! Glad you came over and hope you tried my recipe! They are so easy peasy to make and taste great!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading your Love Story about you and your cute hubby! Very sweet!
We lived in Benton when Kelly was little! But only for a couple of years!
Kelly's Mom
I just can't believe I found you via Pinterest rather than using Kelly's blog to link up--sooo funny! I didn't make the recipe, but I do believe my mother-in-law makes these (or something similar) for breakfast/brunch nearly every weekend we are down. They really are tasty and so easy to make! I ended up making an apple and pear cobbler using Paula Deen's recipe that I have tweaked over the years (I've cut down a bit on the butter and sugar) because I had some apples that needed to be used up and a can of pears. :)
DeleteThanks for reading my post! I'm still rather casual when it comes to this blog though I would love to do more with it (probably discussing more of overcoming Crohn's Disease through my day-to day life. But I LOVE love stories, too, so I just had to that little survey. It was fun looking through our older photos. :)
Bryant (where I spent more time growing up) and Benton are wonderful places, but I'm so glad we live up here now. And I've found a lot of new friends up here that were originally from that area--weird.
Hope you and your husband have a blessed Valentine's Day and stay safe through the wintry weather!!