"You say potayto, I say potahto..."
Hello, old friends. I've been on a hiatus. It started out as one I didn't choose (my Macbook had to go to the hospital and then for much longer than expected) and did choose (I've been out of town for work, and since I got back, I've been trying to get back in the swing of things). And now the semester is winding down, so I'm busy, busy, busy. Only four three more weeks left! (My class is on a Thursday night, which means we get Thanksgiving week off.) So I'm back to blogging. Nothing like procrastination to make the world go 'round, I always say. :)
Zach got a promotion, and as I work three jobs, things have fallen by the wayside. C'est la vie, non? We've decided I can take next semester off from teaching, so I can do more at home to keep the house running now that he doesn't have as much time. (Even as I type, he is going on his fourth hour of answering emails after working an hour over his normal 8 today. And the man's been working 10+ hour days 5 days a week. Sheesh.)
I vowed this weekend that I would get back into a normal routine this week: cooking at home, working out, grading papers throughout the week rather than trying to get them all done Wednesday night. As of 9:30 p.m., I've got 2 out of 3 done for today. That ain't too shabby.
(The papers will have to wait.)
Here's a new recipe I tried tonight. It was destined for me, and I knew it was the one I would be going after, after I saw I had pinned it THREE times:
Crispy Smashed Potatoes
potatoes (preferably red-skinned but I used russet)
olive oil
salt, pepper, spices
-Scrub potatoes. Half and/or quarter them if using russet. Boil until tender in salted water.
-Preheat oven to 450. Grease cookie sheet with olive oil. Place cooked potatoes on cookie sheet and smash until they are the size and shape of baked cookies. Coat with olive oil using a pastry brush and generously sprinkle with spices.
-Bake for 20-30 until golden brown and crispy.
These were delicious! I guess it was originally a Pioneer Woman recipe that took the web by storm. I will definitely be making them again. Next time, I'll try the red potatoes, but I think I'll stick with Italian herbs. Happy eating!

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