I may have mentioned this before, but we really love eating breakfast for dinner around here. For example, Saturday night I made buttermilk waffles with buttermilk syrup (thanks to the ladies at The Pretty Life Anonymous) and turkey bacon. Breakfast foods are filling and cheap and are sooo enjoyable to eat. Besides, who has time to eat a nice big breakfast in the morning? Mornings are hectic around here; we are lucky to eat at all (but Zach and I both do). We also like to have breakfast as a quick fix for dinner or an easy meal to make when we are busy or are preparing to travel, as we are this week. We are going to Brickworld outside of Chicago because my husband loves Lego, and I love my husband. ;) (Plus it's going to be pretty awesome AND our friends Rob and Mechelle are going. I really am excited; I promise. I just think Mechelle and I are more excited for Giordano's pizza. ;)
Since Zach and I have met, we have shared plenty of scones. I have made some from mixes--the best ones bought at World Market on trips to KC--and I have tried several recipes. I made one using sour cream and orange zest the first summer we were together, and I remember we liked that one quite a bit although it was crumbly. The one I used on the morning of the Royal Wedding? Not so much. Tonight, however, I am happy to say I have found a scone recipe we both like, even though the scones it makes are somewhat different from the ones to which we are accustomed. By that, I mean that the fruit is an actual filling as in a fried pie or dumpling, rather than being mixed into the batter. I had quite a bit of buttermilk leftover from "brinner" this weekend, so I wanted a recipe that would use some of it up. Fortunately, I found a recipe in the cookbook that Zach bought me for our first Valentine's Day together. WIN!
We bought some more blueberries at the Farmers Market, so BLUEBERRY-STUFFED SCONES were born!

-Combine 1/2 c. all-purpose flour, 1/6 c. sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1-1/4 tsp. baking powder, and 1/4 tsp. baking soda in a bowl.

-Add 6 Tbsp. butter or margarine and mix until the flour mixture becomes crumbly. (I used my KitchenAid [of course!] on the 2 setting.)

-On a floured surface, tear off 2-in. diameter portions from the dough and roll the dough out into circles that are about 4 inches in diameter. (I suggest flouring the surface and rolling pin in between each circle, and it doesn't hurt to flour your hands, too!)
-Place 7-10 blueberries in the center. (You can use any kind of fruit, jam, baking chips, cheese, nuts, or what have you. Use your imagination. :)
-Fold the circle in half and seal edge. Place on a greased baking sheet and brush the top of the scones with heavy whipping cream. (I used Baking Joy every time I need to grease a pan or what-not for baking. My mama always used Crisco, and while that softens your hands, it sure is messy!)
-Sprinkle with powdered sugar while warm. (I wish I had used my sifter. They would have been that much prettier!)
[10-12 scones]
-I also made cheesy, chivy eggs to go with the scones for "brinner." Zach says I make the best eggs he has ever had, and he loves chives. The chives, rosemary, and basil are doing great in our herb garden. The mint is o
kay--some of the bottom leaves have browned, but it is growing upward and the top leaves are huge and green--while the cilantro just can't catch a break. Does anyone have any tips?
P.S. I'm such a nerd and just remembered how to imbed links! I'm proud--and embarrassed!
P.S.S. We are going to be gone until Monday, so no posts until next Tuesday at the earliest. The only food I will be talking about will probably be Chicago-style pizza and hot dogs!! I'm sooo excited about them.
P.S.S.S. I had radishes again this week in salad Sunday night. They are so nice and peppery. But can you cook them? I need to research that.
P.S.S.S.S. Someday, I promise, I will have a lovely camera that takes lovely pictures. Right now my iPhone will have to suffice. : /
oh my gosh those scones look amazing. I just might have to make them! And thank you SO much for your comment the other day! I really appreciate the tips on cats. We're really leaning toward getting one!
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted to be Ginny (just because of the red hair and she ends up with Harry...), but I love Luna too! She's just crazy and I'm basically that way too :)
I love scones!!! I got a little obsessed with making chocolate chip ones when I was pregnant with Jillian! I will have to try these soon! Thanks for sharing!