I am a bit spoiled because I work in education. We tend to get off holidays and snow days, and at least for faculty and students at our school, for spring break (and for fall break, starting this next academic year).
Staff, however, have to work...unless they take the week off. It's kind of ridiculous how few people were there this week, especially today. I prodded on because 1) I had lots of do to get ready for my new job; and 2) I have no more vacation days to spend. In fact, Zach and I worked until after five today. And in fact, when I walked out to the parking lot, half of the hallways had dimmed because no one had used them in a long time, I only saw one other person, and our car was one of two in our parking lot. It was kinda creepy.
This "break" was spent tidying up and following up on various projects, cleaning out and packing up, and mentally preparing for my transition next week. (I didn't actually start much of the physical preparation, other than packing up my cubicle, because I ran out of time to begin researching.)
On Monday, I will be the new Associate Director of our Academic Success Center! I'm honestly still kind of shocked that I am in this new position. I never dreamed of being any kind of director per se, mostly because I feel like there is still so much for me to learn, but I do agree with the committee that I am more than qualified. I will be hiring, training, and supervising our tutors; developing student success and academic workshops; advising students on probation; working with some other student success tools; and continuing to coordinate the mentor program. I'll still be doing some things for the grant because they will still be funding part of my salary. Sheesh...I hope I'm ready for these big changes and responsibilities! I know I am ready to be working more directly with students again!
Here is what my cubicle looked like before:
And after:
It seems strange that it looks smaller without everything. And I have soooo many files. The day was particularly tinged with sadness, not just because I was leaving and wrapping everything up, but also because so many folks had taken off today, that I didn't get to say goodbye to. I actually haven't even seen my boss since I interviewed, got the job, and worked my last week because she's been out of town for various things. :(
Thankfully, I will just be a few stairs away! Bring it on, Monday!?
Until then, we're heading to Hot Springs for the rest of the weekend. :)